x Genre: Psytrance, Goa Trance Country of artist (band): Different countries Label: Timewarp Records Year of publication: 2020 Audio codec: MP3 Rip Type: tracks Audio bitrate: 320 kbps Duration: 02:27:11 Tracklist: 01. OXI - Beyond the Lights 06:25 02. Ancient Alien - Inexplicable Feeling 09:18 03. Nostromosis - JeVo 08:24 04. Jvi, SkoOma - Mentally Exhausting 07:50 05. Cactus Arising - D.I.Y. 08:26 06. Consept Lightwork - Aliens Interference 08:34 07. 01-N - Proliferation 08:47 08. The Maniac - Corrosion 07:01 09. Ion Vader - Brightstar 07:23 10. Fiery Dawn - Nightfall 08:33 11. JaraLuca - The Source 09:52 12. Microdose - The Speed of Light 09:36 13. Consept Lightwork - The Forgotten Message 07:44 14. Wizard Project - Inner Earth 07:20 15. Event Horizon - Skyblue 07:12 16. Mind Echo - Road of Spice 08:26 17. Ion Vader - Information Channels 07:54 18. Nostromosis, Zeus - The Cosmic Brotherhood 08:26 |